Home / Journal / Matariki
Takurua is a significant period for tangata whenua. It’s when Matariki, the Māori New Year, approaches, and it’s therefore particularly timely to celebrate tangata whenua and their experiences.
Like the constellations, in our day-to-day lives we often cluster together around points of commonality – our families, clubs, workplaces, hometowns or shared cultures. Whilst we all find valuable connection in shared experiences, at Shepherdess we strive to create a space where wāhine around the motu can share their individual journeys with others and have a moment to shine.
We created this page to act as a space for our indigenous stories, and each Matariki we will update this to revisit stories from over the past year.

The Ebb and Flow
Now a professor in marine science and aquaculture, Kura looks at innovative ways to restore Te Wahapū o Waihī – the Waihī Estuary – in Te Moana-a-Toi Bay of Plenty and ensure its kai moana can thrive for generations to come.
The Gallery, Takurua Winter Edition 2024
Paperwork from the series Tai timu, tai pari, 2024, whenua pigment on harakeke paper, A4, by Tauranga-based artist Maraea Timutimu (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi).
Wearing Their Kauae
Reflecting on the mokopapa, and the unique path that led each of them to it, Darcia, Challen and Mona-Pauline explore how multifaceted it is to be a wahine Māori exploring her identity in this day and age.
A Movement in the Māra
Bry Kopu, 51, and Te Raumahora Hema, 39, find synergy in their love for te taiao, and for their tūrangawaewae – Ngāmotu New Plymouth.
Bringing people together with kai in the southernmost town in Aotearoa
Haylee-Chanel Simeon, 38, is the creative force behind restaurant Hayz @ The Anchorage, based in Bluff, Murihiku Southland.

Raumati Summer 2024/25 Edition
Twentieth Edition
Our beautiful Raumati Summer 2024/25 Edition is out now.