Pitch a story

Are you a writer or photographer with a story to tell? We welcome pitches on pieces related to the everyday life of rural wāhine and things that matter to communities across Aotearoa. If you think your work is a good fit then we’d love to hear from you! Please fill out the form here with your contact details and your pitch (or, if you already have a draft ready, you’re welcome to submit that).

We are a small team, working part-time and spread out across the country. Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we will only reply if we have an active interest in your pitch. Many thanks for your patience and understanding.

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 100 MB.

    Submit a wedding

    Have you recently tied the knot in provincial Aotearoa New Zealand? Do you want to see your special day featured in the pages of Shepherdess? We love a beautiful, rural wedding - and so do our readers. Romantic, adventurous, rustic, or traditional, we want to hear from you!

    Share your wedding with us.

    Social Diary

    We would love to hear about events in your patch - the smaller and more rural, the better. From A&P Shows to pumpkin growing competitions and annual festivals, we want to know about the events that bring your community together and make it special.

    All events submitted here will be considered for the Social Diary page in Shepherdess magazine. Due to the number of submissions we receive, we will only be in touch if we have any questions or if we are able to share your event.

    Share your event with us.