
Tell us a bit about yourself: In this season of my life, I am a 67-year-old potter living in Whanganuithough ten years ago I was CEO of a social service organisation in South Auckland, working with families facing significant challenges. Back then, I did workshops on domestic violence and child abuse; now I run workshops on how to make a boob mug! I’m a mother of three and grandmother of seven, all living in Auckland, so I trip up to see them as often as I can. 

On my bedside table you will find… 

A pile of books, as I’m a big novel reader. Then there’s always a Bible, which I’ve read at the start of most days since I was fifteen. There’s usually a journal in there too, as my busy and jumbled mind needs a way of sorting out thoughts and feelings before I head into my day.  

Being a potter, I have to keep a reminder of my creative energy beside me, and currently this handmade vase is bearing the last flowers from bulbs my mother gave me. She passed away just eighteen months ago.  

I love travelling and the yellow box was from an op-shop in Asheville, USA, where my sister had an art exhibition last year. Any trips I make, my habit is to collect a piece of jewellery, and the rings in my (handmade!) bowl come from everywhere around New Zealand and the world. I’ve been fortunate enough to have experienced places like the slums of Kolkata and the glitz of Vegas. 

Being the mother of a sex therapist, I have some quality lube on hand, and can recommend this one from Pjur! At my age, this is pretty essential if intimacy is still part of your life.  

The jewellery box in the background was sourced in a local op-shop and tidied up by my husband, who is spending more time in his workshop since he retired at the end of last year.  

Sleep can be elusive at my age, so the earplugs are always close by, though I’m relaxed about the idea that sleep is unpredictable and some of my best thoughts and prayers happen in the middle of the night. 

This bedside table appeared in our April Social Club newsletter.

You can follow Ruby on Instagram, or see her ceramic collections here. 

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