"Hydration! Ashwaghanda herbs, call a friend. Sit in the paddock with my flock and breathe. Practice gratitude."
"Prioritise my to-do list in order, focus on one thing at a time, take time to just breathe and remember that tomorrow is another day."
"Getting organised, going for a walk and doing something practical and physical."
Sandra Campbell
"Going to bed early."
"Get in the garden or go for a hill walk with a good friend."
"I generally hide from society for a weekend and live my best introverted life until I feel like I'm on an even keel again. If it's farm work or something that can't be ignored for 2 days I write lists on a whiteboard and number them 1-10 in order of priority and when I complete something I wipe it off to feel the little victories."
"I have an app on my phone called "todoist"… you can make your daily list and tick them off as you go. It's a bloody ripper!"
"Going for a long physical walk up in the hills. With gun, or camera!"
"Lists. Making sure everyone knows what the plan is and how much they need to help/step up and what they are responsible for."
"Clear space, clear mind (this can be at home or down the farm)."
"Remembering a special spot and taking a few deep breaths, thinking about being there."
"When I'm feeling out of sorts, I can just be generally cranky, and when I work out that I'm doing that, I try and drill down to work out what the problem actually is if I can't I talk to someone who can listen to me do that. Then, I find a solution. Sometimes it takes a while to find that solution. Then, if I can, I systematise it. But before that, I ask for help, specifically to make the thing that isn't working work. I write a list of things that must be done and make it workable, e.g., tiny points so I feel like I've achieved something. I often find I can get to the bottom of something by doing mundane tasks alone or by doing farm jobs (alone!)"
"At last I am learning deep breathing for myself, not others. Such a game changer. Mindfulness, really just to be in the moment. Right now, through all the above I remember my calm, smiling & reassuring late Mother, then in a few minutes, I can calmly keep going forward recharged (with a smile)."
"If I can, I love a quiet bath for centre-ing"
"Write down my list, I find it helps actually writing with pen and paper, helps me visualise in my head as I go."
"Cleaning and stitching."
"Going for a walk with my dog."
"Put some shorts on, pump up the music and either do a workout or manically clean the house!"
"Working outside with the dogs. They don't care what's going on, they just love life."
"Make a list. Number them in order of importance. Delegate out what I can. Cancel or delay what isn't important. Schedule in a walk or exercise even if it's frantic - it helps me to focus and puts my needs first."
"Hands in the soil. Getting out in my garden and pulling weeds."
"Getting big lungfuls of fresh air!"
"Lists, lists and more lists!"
"Sea air and a delicious coffee."
"Go for a walk, fresh air."
"Stopping everything. Taking a 5-minute break and reassessing. Just get the next thing done."
"Writing a list and just ticking one thing off at a time until it's sorted. Getting up early is also super helpful."
"Decluttering/cleaning your environment and moving the body!"
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