Butterflied Spiced Chicken with Kohlrabi Apple Slaw

Serves plenty




1 whole organic chicken

1 tablespoon each ground turmeric, smoked paprika, ground coriander

2 tablespoons olive oil

Kohlrabi apple slaw

3 cups peeled and grated kohlrabi

1 red apple, coarsely grated

a handful of coriander or torn mint leaves

a squeeze of lemon juice

a small pinch of chilli flakes

salt and pepper

1–2 tablespoons mayonnaise (optional, if you like a creamy dressing)



Preheat the oven to 200°C.

Using kitchen shears, cut through the backbone of the chicken. Flatten the chicken, skin-side up, with your hands. Slash the thighs and the drumsticks.

Mix the spices with the olive oil and slather over the chicken, rubbing into the skin, cuts and underside.

Bake on a rack for 50–60 minutes or until the juices run clear.

For the kohlrabi apple slaw, toss all the ingredients in a bowl to combine. Serve immediately with the chicken.

Note: In summer, start the chicken on the barbecue, browning and blistering the skin, then finish the cooking in the oven. Yum!

Nici Wickes' A Quiet Kitchen Cookbook

Recipe from A Quiet Kitchen by Nici Wickes.
Published by Bateman Books, 2022. Paperback, $45.

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