Two men and their dogs stand in a field

We've just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary, with only a couple of down moments during all those years. I'm a great believer in allowing each other to be individuals rather than a unit that does absolutely everything together - not linked every hour of the day through text messages, calls etc. We all change as we mature and our thoughts, needs and desires also change. Respecting and supporting each other's choices and needs as you move through the years doesn't make you drift apart, but brings you closer because the freedom to grow and do what we love enriches the soul and makes us more content with life and each other.

Love is a choice, not a feeling.

Always go to bed with "I love you". No matter what.

Work out each other's love languages and act towards each other accordingly.

Listen and do little special things for each other, and say thank you and sorry and mean it.

Say please and thank you. Let your special other know that they're appreciated.

Don't rely on the other person to fulfil ALL your needs. It's so important to keep your identity!

I tell my husband "happy wife, happy life".

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